UPDATED 01/10/2023


Due to recent company guidelines, we will not be able to have non-active drivers on the group customer schedules forum (BLUEBUZZER). This will only affect group releases afterward. There is a minimum requirement to be on this group trip, which is effective immediately.

Note: This decision has no effect on demand trips; you can be online and get trips.

Drivers must complete at least four trips per week to remain active in the group schedules trip forum. These four trips must take place from Monday to Sunday in order to remain active for the following week. As a team, EZCRUZING is doing everything we can to keep these communities growing in your area. We’re committed to continuing to help customers with a different system. Our first priority is to keep building our system for you. Our goals as a company are to keep earning customers’ trust and help you create daily trip packages with 15–20 trips a day worth $200-$250.

We’re developing a system that will allow you to pick trip packages worth 15–20 ($200-$250) trips in a day. We also need your leadership as a team to help with these demands. Remember, every trip that you do here is a blessing because you’re helping your company grow and becoming founders with a lot of great benefits once we become a public company.


To return to the group releases, non-active drivers must complete three on-demand trips or trips that dispatch has scheduled for them. Qualifications are available Monday through Sunday.


Complete 3 on demand trips at any time. After completing the required trips, the driver must wait for the following Monday.

Have questions or need help? We’re here for you. Call or email us.